Let me start by thanking you for giving me a few minutes of your precious day to read what I want to say.
I have a friend that owns a couple of restaurants. As we were spending time together, a customer emailed her to tell her that a certain server that my friend has from one of the restaurants never smiles, and it always affects this customer’s experience in a bad way.
My friend thanked the client for writing to her, for bringing it to her attention, and for having a conversation about it. She proceeded to tell the client that this young lady the server was an orphan, and she has had a really hard life in her young 20 years. That was the reason she never smiles. The client answered right away telling my friend how bad she feels, and that from now on when she goes to the restaurant she will have a lot more compassion for this worker.
I wish we could reserve or hold back the criticism or the judgment we have. Although I put it as my first wish to not be judgemental, I am also guilty of jumping to conclusions. So I want to remember this story above and use my compassion always. I thought I was so compassionate. That is the first description I have of myself. But it’s not enough to think of me as compassionate and have it for my clients (Humans and animals) only. I want to be mindful of it at all times.
The energies of the planets including Mercury retrograde and the eclipses we had thrown me for a loop. I got pretty down and couldn’t do much. I know many of you are sensitive to energies, so hopefully going forward with the sun sending us light (sun spots), and summer in its full bloom-summer solstice around the corner, it will help us get into our creative mode.
Lastly, I want to share that I am part of a book project.
The project is led by Carolyn McGee, and it’s composed of amazing authors and healers.

Feel free to join this community and listen to the different chapters that will be read. They are all fascinating.
Again thank you for letting me be part of your day and for letting me share my thoughts.