It has been a wacky/ crazy energy lately. Most people feel down or unconfident, anger is coming up and many emotions. It’s an up and down roller coaster and I am not surprised because of the strong energies that are coming down to earth from the alignments, and all the beings supporting humanity in increasing our awareness.
The 8-8 is as you all know the alignment with Sirius and the Orion belt. What’s more is the energy effect that the planets have on us, especially in how they are aligned now. With South and North nodes in Taurus and Scorpio and 3 planets in retrograde, the effect it has is digging up from the unconscious/ subconscious all the old beliefs/ constructs that we want to release. The North Node is pointing us in the direction of who we came here to be.
Will we choose to take the steps to align with our purpose of coming here now?

We hear that a lot, what is my purpose? Am I doing the right thing?
Let me say the easiest way to find that is by following your joy. What makes your heart smile?
I know that most of you are here to be in service and that is what you know you came here for, as well as enjoying this physical experience, and being here at this transitory time. Giving is very important, but everything needs to be balanced. I am reminding you all that if the giving is without receiving, it is not balanced. So open yourselves up to receive all the gifts this universe of yours has for you.
If we each work on letting go of old beliefs/ constructs, even contracts that we can “Renew” or “Redo”, and align with what we desire and deserve… it will affect the whole collection and the North Node of the collective reality will be pointing in the right way. Or aligning us in the right way. So please look at yourself and your experience from an observer’s perspective.
If any relationship (no matter how close) does not serve you at this time. Love these people from far away. No need to force anything or be with anyone that does not support/ Honor/ Loves you.
You DESERVE by being part of God/ Goddess/ All that is, the spark of creation.
Those of you who have physical issues, I know everything can be healed. Start by living in your joy.

This A-Lion-Ment is also about 8 in numerology is about abundance. So let the abundance of self-love in and it will have everything else in its frequency. If you can look closer you will see that abundance is also about expansion. Where are you called to expand? Declare what you are expanding into.
A gift for you today: a short meditation to take you deeper inside yourself, in this portal.