Happy Holidays! I want to take a moment to share this message that I received for the new year, which is that you cannot rush anything.


We are our own healers but it takes each one a different amount of time to step into your own self your power and or mastery. One might choose not to and that is ok as well.


It is important to not give our power away to anyone or anything. We need to feel inside what it is that we are here to experience. Allow in the gifts and abundance the universe has to give us. As Einstein said there are only two ways to look at life: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” either everything is against you or everything is here to serve you. 


Which one do you choose? 

Everything is connected, there is no them vs you there is only you and how you perceive and expect life to show up.

If you can be in a place of balance inside where you give yourself every need/feeling inside of yourself, it will mirror on the outside (in your life ) as well.

So if you need to be loved, love yourself fully.

If you need to feel appreciated, appreciate yourself.

Abundance is a matter of how much love do you give yourself and allow in…


Have you considered what your life would look like if you had no ceilings on your beliefs? If you thought everything was possible – no cannot/ or should not/ or Aught to / …. Ponder that …

What would you be doing? Who would you choose to be with? How would your life be?


I wish you all the love, freedom and abundance, allow yourself to be a sovereign being, to shine your light and step into who you are fully, dream big in this coming year and allow it in…receive your dreams with open arms…


Happy Holidays,

Much love to you all,


Contact Sharon

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