Q: Does the session need to be in person?

A: No, the session can be done remotely. Most sessions are done by phone or by Video means on-line (Facetime, Skype, Google hangout, Zoom.. etc.)


Q: Do we pay ahead of the session, and how can we pay?

A: Yes you can pay via Paypal, Square  or mailing a check (allowing enough time)


Q: What is Animal communications entail?

A: Sharon goes into a meditative state where she is in neutral (no thoughts, feelings or emotions of her own) and she connects to the animal telepathically. Thus, finding out the favorite things, the essence of the animal and any issues they wish to communicate to the owner.


Q: What is Animal / human healing?

A: There are different modalities available: EFT (Emotional Freedom technique), Scalar wave, and Sharon’s own energy transmission ( Where her body and hands are just a vessel for Divine healing).

For humans there is an added way by clearing energetically ,mentally, emotionally and spiritually past traumas.


Q: What is Channeling?

A: Sharon moves her consciousness aside and allows a non- physical collective beings to communicate and work through her as a vessel.


Q: How many sessions does it take to clear an animal issue?

A: It is a per case basis, but depending on the issue and the depth of the problem it could take more then one time. Sharon usually teaches the owner how to work on it by themselves.


Q: How many sessions does it take to clear a human issue?

A: It depends on the issue. It could be an issue that is repeated in a few lifetimes, in which case it might take longer to clear. Or if could be a suggestion to look at the issue from a different perspective , in which case it could help in one session.


Any questions that are not addressed you can write the question to the Contact page, and you will be answered as soon as possible.


Contact Sharon

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