Renowned spiritual leader and author Deepak Chopra talks about energy and information in our material world in his book The Spontaneous Fulfillment Of Desire: Harnessing The Power Of Coincidence (2003): “ Everything in the visible universe is a manifestation of the...
Biocommunication Ability

Biocommunication Ability

“ All living cells have a cellular consciousness and are able to communicate with other cells of the same or other species even when they are distance apart”. Deepak Chopra in The Spontaneous Fulfillment OF Desire; Harnessing The Infinite Power Of Coincidence...
A Holographic Universe

A Holographic Universe

When we think of the Geneva experiments where a photon was split up and it had to choose between two pathways, the second photon always chose the exact same thing as the choice as the first photon, as if it knew what the other photon was doing. There was no means for...