1) Take your power back all across your life, and do not give it away anymore!

If you give your power to you spouse or partner, your doctor, your teacher, your coach… check with your inner voice to see if that is right for you. Your inner voice/intuition, your gut, or your heart will tell you if it i is right for you.

2) Manage your energy and emotional response to what is going on in your life.

Understand that people act through their own vessel/ screening mechanism – meaning it is their interpretation of things, even when it applies to you. You have a part in their life movie, but you are the creator, producer and director of your own life movie. Do your best to not react to others.

Be proactive in what you want to accomplish in any area of your life. Since we run on programs from our subconscious, observe the patterns that sabotage you in your life, or that show up. Monitor your emotions before you act on anything.

Keep in mind that we are in Mercury retrograde, which means that we can look inwards and evaluate things. This month is intense in its energies and in what is happening in the political arena, changing presidents and changing directions as a whole. Hence monitor your energy, take deep breaths often and take time out for yourself when you feel tense or overwhelmed.

3) Check in with yourself in what area of your life do you want to make a change? Love/Relationship, Health/Fitness, Finance, Career, Environment, Spiritual…

4) Go deeper and imagine (daydream) what will your life look like with these changes?

I suggest concentrating on one area of your life at a time by priority, what is most important first. In this daydream you will imagine your life allowing all possibilities (all possibilities exist in the quantum field). Do not let any thoughts of Lack, Can’t , Not Enough’s, don’t haves, not yet…into the vision. Use all of your senses: sight, smell, touch, etc.,. What sounds do you hear? Most importantly: What do you feel?

5) Create a goal from this vision and work backwards. For example do you want to be a Yoga teacher? Put the steps down on paper:

a) Take a yoga instruction certificate

b) Look in your area for yoga studios

c) put a resume and a cover letter together

d) go to the yoga studios and leave your resumes, talk to the owners… etc. etc.

This is just a basic example to demonstrate how to move in the direction of your goals.

6) Set up your visions in each area and steps you can take now. Have a vision for 1 year, 2 years, 5 and 10 years if you like. A good exercise to do is to go inwards and imagine you are at the end of your life… what did you accomplish? What was it that you wanted to accomplish that you haven’t yet…?

If you find that you have some subconscious patterns that you are not aware of or did not get rid of yet seek a coach that can help you. It is well worth the investment.

As Einstein said: no problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.

Know that you deserve it all just by being part of creation. Each part of the whole is creation itself.

We live in a holographic world. Create your life as you wish it….

12 + 1 =


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