About Sharon Josef

Sharon is a Clairvoyant Medical Intuitive who guides people in life’s journey to connect to their soul. She empowers individuals to achieve their dreams and aspirations by overcoming the fears and blocks accumulated throughout their life and past (other) lives.
Sharon is clairvoyant, clairaudient, cliarsentient and claircognizient. She can see into your past (other) lives in order to help correct any lessons or patterns that you are running subconsciously. Sharon can search for energy blocks in your physical body and address the causes of these blockages. These blockages are the physical manifestations of dis-comfort and dis-ease. 

Sharon does animal communications and can use different healing modalities to help any animal.

Sharon brings energy and light in to any situation choose to live an authentic and conscious life Sharon will be honored to guide you in this process of opening up, breaking through old patterns and living a healthy and joyful life.

In-person or Phone Consultations Tel: 818-912-2535

    areas of treatment & Guidance  


    CAREER & Prosperity guidance

    Advanced Support in Love RELATIONSHIPs

    Advanced Support in Family RELATIONSHIPs

    life-purpose guidance

    help resolve PERSONAL CRISIS


    Energetic body scan


    Application of Healing Energy

    Identifying & clearing LIMITING BELIEFS


    ANIMALS communication

    identify pet health issues

    guidance with lost animals

    guidance with rescued animals

    energetic healing on pets


    Metaphysics PhD

    PhD Degree From The University Of Metaphysical Sciences

    Energy Medicine Practitioner

    Eden Energy Medicine

    Life Coach

    CTI Life Coach Institute  

    All Life University, Animal Communications

    Certified Animal Communicator and Energy Practitioner

    Certified DNA Healer

    DNA Intuitive Healer Institute

    Featured Organization

    Global White Lion Protection Trust

    I volunteer and am very active on the Outreach Advisory Board for Global White Lion Protection Trust. re-introduced captive bred white lions into their natural habitat in a carefully phased, ground-breaking scientific program. The White Lions now roam freely in their ancestral heritage lands. This is so very close to my heart on so many different levels. I warmly recommend contributing to this cause to make a huge difference!

    Contact Sharon

    7 + 6 =

    Phone Consultations
    Tel: 818-912-2535

    Follow Sharon