I am sure it has been an interesting ride lately, to say the least. I hope you all are enjoying the month of LOVE, or/and at least taking the time to Love YOUR SELVES. Deeper Self Love is the principal intention on this plane/planet/journey.
The energy this month has been amplified as you can feel and tell. Yes, 2 is for a couple for love, for relationship. It is affected by the planet moon and is highly caring and sensitive, and extremely loving, it belongs to the zodiac sign of Cancer- very emotional. It is also for the sacred feminine.
“It symbolizes all that a mature woman implies.” ( by Dr. Google 🙂 ).

The moon as you know reflects the light of the sun, hence people that have 2 life paths are easily influenced by others-they reflect their light. Considering the state of the world now I would say that many people are reflecting or are affected by others’ opinions or rules. So please be aware to hold on to your SOVEREIGNTY !!!
Go deep within and check with yourself what you feel (from the heart) about a certain subject? What action would you like to take?
22 is considered a Master Builder. Ponder what it is you are building in your life? What would you like to build? Check in to see what would you like to contribute to your family/community and our world?
As per Christof Melchizedek in the United States, we have had a Pluto return since the birth of the nation. We enter into the exact place in the nation’s natal chart. Pluto’s return is 248 years, so we humans don’t get to experience it (yet). The governance structure will be moving through a transformation, it will be a reminder of the Independence as a sovereign state from Great Britain. The “question” that will arise by Pluto is are the people of the USA really Sovereign?
“Pluto tends to be the boss when it shows up – it takes control from powerful people and organizations who have abused that power and overstepped it, and dissolves it for reconstitution and rebirth. Thus, Pluto returning for the USA will signal the start of dissolving power structures. This will start happening more visibly this year and continue into 2023”
I would lovingly suggest that you take time if you like at 2:22 tomorrow on 2-22-22 and feel into, visualize what and how you would like your world and our world to be going forward.