Spiritual Adviser - Channeler - Medical Intuitive - Mediumship

Treating Humans & Animals

“Join Me And Be A Sovereign Being…”

“Lets Connect With Different Beings That Share This World… and Different Consciousnesses That Share This Universe…”

~Sharon Josef

Renowned Healer and Animal Communicator



“To me Sharon is a God-Scent. My son Chris was diagnoised with Stage 3 Melanoma Cancer on his right shoulder. It had travelled through his lymph glands and was active. The doctor removed the Melanoma and a handful of lymph glands, 3 were active under his armpit…..”

Debbie Bell Hertwig

“After my session with you and the energy work you did on me the next day, I am nearly pain free. I am sleeping through the night, except I sometimes wake up just to marvel that I am on my back or side and I am not in pain!”

Special Foster Dog Named Petey

“Words really cannot express the level of gratitude that my family and I feel towards Sharon.  We have a very special foster dog named Petey who is emotionally scarred and has been though more than he deserves.  Rehabilitation has been tough because he has unique needs, and he is a very gentle, fragile soul.

Discover Sharon’s Incredible Love for Animals

Sharon Uses Different Modalities To Help Any Animal.

Sharon Josef

Channeler – Medical Intuitive – Mediumship – Animal Communicator

“Join Me And Be A Sovereign Being…”

“Lets Connect With Different Beings That Share This World… and Different Consciousnesses That Share This Universe…”

~Sharon Josef

Renowned Healer and Animal Communicator



“To me Sharon is a God-Scent. My son Chris was diagnoised with Stage 3 Melanoma Cancer on his right shoulder. It had travelled through his lymph glands and was active. The doctor removed the Melanoma and a handful of lymph glands, 3 were active under his armpit…..”

Debbie Bell Hertwig

“After my session with you and the energy work you did on me the next day, I am nearly pain free. I am sleeping through the night, except I sometimes wake up just to marvel that I am on my back or side and I am not in pain!”

Special Foster Dog Named Petey

“Words really cannot express the level of gratitude that my family and I feel towards Sharon.  We have a very special foster dog named Petey who is emotionally scarred and has been though more than he deserves.  Rehabilitation has been tough because he has unique needs, and he is a very gentle, fragile soul.

Discover Sharon’s Incredible Love for Animals

Sharon Uses Different Modalities To Help Any Animal.

Intuitive Healing & Channeling

Animal Communication


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Costa Rica Registration Contact

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Sharon’s Heal With Sound Summit

Sharon’s Past Life Regression Summit

Sharon’s Expansion

Sharon’s Best Selling Books

areas of treatment & Guidance  


CAREER & Prosperity guidance

Advanced Support in Love RELATIONSHIPs

Advanced Support in Family RELATIONSHIPs

life-purpose guidance

help resolve PERSONAL CRISIS


Energetic body scan


Application of Healing Energy

Identifying & clearing LIMITING BELIEFS


ANIMALS communication

identify pet health issues

guidance with lost animals

guidance with rescued animals

energetic healing on pets

Contact Sharon

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Phone Consultations
Tel: 818-912-2535

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